David Calderon – Berimbau Project

The berimbau is the main instrument of the brazilian capoeira genre. It is categorized as a single string percussion instrument, and its main role in capoeira music is setting the rhythm that the dancers move to.

There are three different types of berimbaus, the berimbau gunga with the lowest pitch, the berimbau medio with medium pitch, and the berimbau viola with the highest pitch. These pitches all specifically depend on the size of the cabaça or gourd with the gunga being largst while the viola is the smallest. Although only one is sufficient for a game/dance of capoeira, all three usually work together to create a more layered and diverse sound.

The berimbau I built specifically does not fit into any of these traditional categories because it does not feature a traditional gourd. I made a total of three different gourds for my berimbau but decided to stick with the tin one because it produced the best sound. I also made a simple caxixi out of some yogurt cans, tape, and chopsticks in order to accompany the berimbau.

Folder Link:


There are five videos in the folder, one on tying the berimbau, one on attaching the cabaça, one on playing the berimbau, one on the different peripheral berimbau items, and lastly one on the different types of cabaças/gourds. The folder also has the slideshow I plan to present during class that features different pictures of my berimbau process and project.

Slideshow Link:
